ETHANOL is all Wrong

These idiotic bean counter TV pundits (who are only on TV because they are reactionary blowhards with explosive controversial responses to everything) are demanding that the government tax oil usage into oblivion and use the tax money to pay for alternatives, but I think that we should let these technologies work themselves into the market. As you have seen (if you followed some of the links) there are technologies that can be used that don’t disrupt our current economic model and energy infrastructure and that won’t necessarily have to be forced on us. These options are ‘greener’ than existing sources and we have stop gap supplies to keep us fueled until they are fully developed, no matter what happens with Iran. You should be hoping that the government doesn’t overreact and put us into a situation where we are forced to use an inefficient energy source like corn based ethanol when it appears that there are far more efficient solutions that are nearly (some already are) developed.
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